Father's Day Interviews - Jay Matte

With Father’s day coming up on Sunday, we thought we would take the time to reach out to some of our favourite Dads and ask them a couple of questions to see what makes them tick, and their thoughts on advice, fatherhood and masculinity

This first interview is with our friend Jay Matte, a fellow self-start entrepreneur who currently has his hands in several successful BC-based projects. We first met Jay and his lovely wife Aaron at a wholesale show in Toronto. Jay is laid back, incredibly hardworking, and has taught us a lot of valuable lessons about balancing life and business.

Who are you and what do you do?

My full name is Jason Keith Matte but most call me Jay. I am the President of Pressland Printing Inc, and Founder of Locomotive Clothing & Supply and Pressland General. I’m also host of The Maker Club Podcast.

Worst advice someone's given you?

This is an easy one. I was once told that Locomotive Clothing would never get legs and take off and that I should play it safe and stay in the film industry. Even if the money was amazing, it was too late...the fire was inside me, pushing me to continue on my path. Once something inside me said that it's meant to be, it was all I really ever thought about. It was an easy path to choose.

What's the difference between masculinity and toxic masculinity to you? or alternatively, what does masculinity mean to you?

I think masculinity is only defined by that individual because it is very personal, so I can only speak for myself. I feel masculine by being confident and doing my best when it comes to self-care, both physical and mental. I also feel masculine by being the best husband and father as I can.

What is one thing you wish men would be more open about?

Thankfully, I feel that the men I have in my circle of friends are pretty open. It is good for the soul to speak freely and listen without judgement. Sharing thoughts, concerns and opinions only makes a relationship stronger with trust.


We'd love to hear your thoughts and input on the questions above as well! Feel free to share your experiences down in the comments for a chance to be featured on our social media!

1 comment

Not surprised he is doing so well. He was an amazing guy in high school, glad to see he hasn’t changed. Happy as hell to see you doing so well bro. Keep it up!

Travis O'Leary September 16, 2020

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